Willard MckenzieOnline
  • John Doe09:33

    Hi Swlabs, we have some comments for you.

  • Swlabs09:33

    Hi, we're listening you...


Basic markup

  • Dashboard
  • Frontend

Nodes with children

Setting initial state with classes

Setting initial state with data attribute

  • Table
    • Basic Table
    • Responsive Table
    • Action Table

Loading with AJAX

  • General
  • UI-Element

Custom 1

Custom 2

Checkbox plugin

  • UI-Element
    • Progress Bars
    • Editors

Contextmenu plugin

  • Root node
    • Context click me

Drag & drop plugin

  • UI-Element
    • Buttons
    • Tabs
  • Form

Search plugin

  • UI-Element
    • Buttons
    • Tabs
  • Form

Sort plugin

  • Root node
    • 2
    • 1
    • 3
    • 0
  • Root node 2

State plugin

  • Root node
    • A
    • few
    • more
    • nodes
  • Root node 2

Types plugin

  • Root node
    • Node
  • Root node 2

Unique plugin

  • Root node
    • Node
  • Root node 2
    • Node

Wholerow plugin

  • Root node
    • Node
  • Root node 2

Basic jQuery treetable Example

Tree column Additional data
Node 1: Click on the icon in front of me to expand this branch. I live in the second column.
Node 1.1: Look, I am a table rowandI am part of a tree! Interesting.
Node 1.1.1: I am part of the tree too! That's it!
Node 2: I am another root node, but without children Hurray!

Basic Static Tree


Basic Expandable Tree


Complex Tree With Drag and Drop

This example uses 's Draggable and Droppable components. The tree has 459 nodes.

Examples: 2-1-1 , 3-1-1-2-2 and 3-2-1-2-3-1-2-2-1-1-1-1-2-5
Expand all  |  Collapse all
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