Nankai University Miracle Fund

As an affiliated fund of Nankai University Education Fund, “Nankai University Miracle Fund” aims to develop into a first-class think tank with Chinese characteristics. The fund boasts the academic influence of the Nankai University National Economy Strategy Research Institute and professional research capacity of Nankai University Macroeconomic Lab, which are helpful to carry out researches on the overall issues relating to national interest and people’s livelihood, and critical issues relating to economic and social development. Besides, Nankai University Miracle Fund also commits to promote its positive influences on the important decision-making about national and regional economy, constantly offer suggestions and advices on regional economic and industrial development and provide basis for senior leaders’ decision-making.

Objectives of the fund: to support economic research, policy consultation, talents cultivation, academic promotion, development and commercialization of the research findings in economic fields; to build a well-off society in a comprehensive way, strengthen China’s national soft power and promote the ability of the CPC and governments to make scientific decision; to contribute wisdom and practical efforts for the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation.